Kitchen Tools and accessories

There are plenty of tools a kitchen must have. Some ingenious tools make wonders and perform tasks you might hate. The time we spend in the kitchen could be very demanding that even a split second is precious. To come up with an appetizing presentation of the foods we bring to the table, some tiny tools are very helpful; giving us time to chat with our guests instead of having them wait idly for their food.


Sunday, March 12, 2017

Treasure box birthday cake

Pirate themed Birthday cake

A treasure box with golden coins and other treasures inside.  Chocolate cake covered in fondant.


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Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Chef's Ring

Chef’s Ring

I am not a professional chef and it’s not my ring! Well, this one makes wonders. I use this for molding rice, mashed potatoes, cakes, dough, anything that I want to mold round. It is great for molding layers of different textures, colors and flavor.


Rolling Pin

For flattening dough. Alternatively, a round shaped long bottle could be used, but its easier to maneuver a rolling pin than a bottle.


electric mixer


Bamboo Mat

bamboo mat

Useful to make sushi or anything that needs to be rolled in a log shape


meat tenderizer